An Important Message from Greg Cole

With mixed emotions, I announce that I am leaving Emmaus House to move to another nonprofit. When I started eleven years ago as the Development Director, I had no idea of the holy work that takes place here every day.

At Emmaus House, those we serve are our teachers. I have learned from the thousands of people who have walked through our Help Center door that the outward trappings of success do not define human dignity. I have been reminded that the vulnerable among us are God’s beloved and are worthy of our love and care. I have seen Emmaus House help people of all ages embrace the opportunity to learn and grow so they can create better lives for their families.

For the past seven years, I have had the honor and privilege to serve as Executive Director, working with Bishop Wright, the Advisory Board, members of the Peoplestown community, funders, and so many others to continue the rich legacy of service to our neighbors on the south side of Atlanta. This legacy is now 57 years strong, and I am proud to have contributed a small part to this work.

The neighborhoods around us are changing, but Emmaus House stands firm on sacred ground. After all this time, and through all kinds of change, Emmaus House remains a strong, vibrant ministry where the wonder of God’s love is on display every day.

It has been a privilege to serve, and I am confident that Emmaus House will continue to be a beacon of love and support for those who often go unheard.

Greg Cole


Message from Right Rev. Robert Wright,
10th Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta

“Greg Cole has been an outstanding partner in ministry as the Executive Director of Emmaus House. His service to the vulnerable in our midst leaves a proud legacy for his successor. We have been blessed as a diocese by his ministry. We are grateful for the work of the continuing program staff and look forward to working with advisory board leadership to explore next steps towards executive leadership at Emmaus House.”

Message from Lori Elmore,
Emmaus House Advisory Board Chair

“Greg has been an exemplary Executive Director and has made significant contributions to Emmaus House and the Peoplestown community. He led the organization during a time of immense change and Emmaus House is in a stronger position because of Greg’s leadership. We appreciate his dedication and wish him the very best in his next endeavor.”