Mental Health Matters

Mental health is one of the most important factors in overall health and well-being. It can be difficult to make time for prioritizing our mental health, and this is particularly true for marginalized groups struggling to make ends meet.

Nevertheless, there are a lot of small things we can do that have been proven to have a big impact on the way we feel in our day-to-day lives. One of the top recommendations? Finding a social support system.

Dr. Stephen Palte, chief medical officer of UnitedHealthcare of Georgia, recently joined “All Things Considered” to discuss how building up the relationships and the ‘safety net’ around you can make a drastic difference in your mental health.

Community Care

At Emmaus House, we’re committed to providing a caring and compassionate ‘safety net’ for our neighbors and residents, because that’s what community is about.

With programming like Mimi’s Yoga Kids and Youth on the Move, we provide residents with a space to form relationships and develop a network of support they can depend on to lift them up when they need it.

Click below to learn about how we’re supporting mental health in Peoplestown and surrounding areas.