Staff Transition at Emmaus House

Emmaus House Executive Director Joseph Mole says goodbye.

It is bittersweet for us at Emmaus House to announce that Executive Director Joseph Mole has tendered his resignation to pursue an opportunity in his hometown Chicago area. We are grateful for the incredible growth Emmaus House has seen over the last two and a half years under his leadership.

In the interim, Emmaus House Director of Development and Communications Greg Cole will serve as Deputy Director providing senior leadership during the transition and beyond. 

Along with the Rt. Rev. Robert C. Wright, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, we wish Joseph the very best.

Both Joseph and Bishop Wright wrote letters about the transition and what’s next for Emmaus House.

An excerpt from Joseph Mole's letter

"There are stops along life’s journey that leave marks on our heart that remain for a lifetime. For me, Emmaus House has been one of those stops. From the moment I heard about this special place founded by Father Austin Ford during the height of the civil rights movement of the 1960’s, it captivated my activist imagination for what a community could do for itself when organized for justice."

An excerpt from the Rt. Rev. Robert C. Wright, Bishop of the Diocese of Atlanta's letter

"There is a time and season for everything. So it is with gratitude that on behalf of the Diocese of Atlanta, I wish to thank Joseph Mole for his service as Executive Director of Emmaus House. His work as leader of this critical mission, in one of Atlanta’s important neighborhoods, has had a significant impact."

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