Help Hotline
Lokey Help Center Address
Lokey Help Center Hours
Monday - Friday from 9 am – 3 pm
Services Available

By appointment on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
Requirements and Documentation
Resident of the Greater Atlanta Area
Requires proof of residence (lease, mortgage statement, or utility bill) and verification of each household member (IDs or Birth Certificates)
By appointment on Mondays and Wednesdays
Requirements and Documentation
ID and income verification required
Assistance availability varies; call for more information
Requirements and Documentation
Limited to the Peoplestown, Summerhill, Mechanicsville, and Pittsburgh neighborhoods when available
Must have past due notice(s)
Monday - Friday
Tuesday and Thursday only
Monday - Friday
Requirements and Documentation
Must have all documents required by the Department of Drivers Services. Please visit https://dds.georgia.gov/georgia-licenseid for more information.
Temporary mail services are available for residents of the Peoplestown, Summerhill, Mechanicsville, and Pittsburgh neighborhoods, as well as for individuals currently dealing with homelessness that do not have a secure mailbox. If you are interested in signing up for mail services you must have a picture ID and must present it each time you pick up mail. After 30 days, all mail is returned to the sender.
Monday - Friday
Requirements and Documentation
ID required
Round trip MARTA assistance is available for verifiable medical appointments
Monday - Friday
Emmaus House is will do its best to provide you with the services that you need. If we are unable to provide a specific service we will attempt to provide a referral to another service provider that can better assist you. We have several community partners that we can refer you to including but not limited to the following:
Furniture Bank of Metro Atlanta: Residents of Metro Atlanta are eligible to receive a once-in-a-lifetime referral for household furniture. Items will be chosen by the client. Delivery fees apply.
Mercy Care Clinic: Community health clinic with various medical services
Threads: Offers clothing for children up to age 11.
Georgia Lions Lighthouse: For eye exams and glasses