New at Emmaus House: Pipeline to College


First generation college students often face financial, academic, and cultural challenges when they try to pursue a postsecondary education. Typically, students of color from low-income neighborhoods and underserved schools do not receive the attention, resources, or information needed to successfully journey through college.

Emmaus House is addressing this challenge through our new program, Pipeline to College, that seeks to fill the gaps that form barriers and stumbling blocks to academic and vocational progression.

Our inaugural cohort of five first-generation college students from Peoplestown began their Pipeline to College journey on October 23. The students will participate in weekly group meetings with Candler School of Theology student Bridget Hall, who will lead them in discussion, offer advice, provide academic referrals and resources, and guide them through their first two years of college life. Mentors will provide monthly face-to-face individualized care and support for each student.

By supporting and encouraging first-generation college students to remain in college and to graduate, we help them to create a strong foundation for success. We wish our first cohort much success as they approach their first big milestone together, FINAL EXAMS!