17-Year Supporter Shares How Peoplestown Seniors Have Impacted His Life

Brent Harrell (above, middle) is a long-time Emmaus House supporter, husband, and father who has called Atlanta home for the past 20 years. Brent has spent 17 of those years generously donating Christmas lunches to Peoplestown seniors in need. “Their pride and love of their faith, community, and for one another is truly contagious, and I am grateful that my small role has given me the opportunity to get to know the Seniors of Peoplestown and to experience first hand the importance and purpose of the Emmaus House to this community,” Brent said. What started as a service project while working at SunTrust Banks became a yearly tradition long after he moved on from the company.

He shared his appreciation for the opportunity to contribute and participate in their Christmas celebrations and witness so many positive changes over the years. “Interacting with the folks, seeing them all dressed up, and filled with so much joy as they celebrate Christmas together has been such a great experience.” Brent went on to express how donating the lunches has impacted his life in invaluable ways. “Peoplestown seniors have taught me the importance of slowing down, appreciating the little things, and taking time out to be present in the moment.”

It’s easy to take a meal for granted, live life on autopilot, and rarely take a moment to cherish the little things. However, Brent’s words serve as a reminder that being present in our giving not only changes the lives of those who receive, giving is a gift that always gives back to us in priceless ways.