Celebrating Ann's Next Chapter

After an impactful career at Emmaus House, Ann Fowler, Director of Education Services, is retiring on July 31, 2022.

Over two stints totaling twelve years, Ann oversaw programs focused on eliminating poverty through education in the Peoplestown neighborhood and beyond. She has helped develop two-generational programs that engage children and parents through academic and personal support, cultural enrichment, and leadership development.

An explorer with a mission-driven heart, Ann has traveled on pilgrimages to Ghana and Jerusalem. In addition, she has participated in several mission trips to the US Gulf Coast, Belize, and Haiti with members of her home parish, the Church of the Epiphany. As her new chapter begins, she intends to hike the Georgia section of the Appalachian Trail in August!

We celebrate Ann's invaluable contribution to Emmaus House and our neighbors in Peoplestown. Her legacy will continue to impact our daily work and programs to come.

Best wishes, Ann. Enjoy your next chapter!