Connecting Youth With Opportunity

The Southside Works Fellowship is a program established by Emmaus House and the Atlanta Center for Self Sufficiency (ACSS) to learn more about youth employment and entrepreneurship needs on the southside of Atlanta. 

The Right Person For The Job

We believe that the people most qualified to speak on youth needs and opportunities are youth. The Southside Works Fellowship is designed to explore these issues from the inside by directly engaging with those we wish to serve. 

For this position, we sought a young person with strong connections to the southside to assess and recommend on current programming efforts, coordinate with community leaders, and leverage social media—along with other engagement strategies—to connect with and serve local youth.

We’re very proud to introduce our first Southside Fellow, Apple Inman.

In It Together

At Emmaus House, we recognize that engaged service isn’t just about providing opportunity; it’s about meeting people where they are and working with a shared sense of purpose. We look forward to working with Apple to better serve our southside youth.