The Women Who Inspire Us

At Emmaus House, we believe in the power of female role models. Our out-of-school program, Youth on the Move (YOTM), provides middle and high school students with enrichment opportunities, empowering experiences, as well as qualified mentors, many of whom are women.

To celebrate Women’s History Month, we asked a few of our students to describe a woman they look up to, as well as some of the ways this person has inspired them.

Diamond, 11th grade

"I look up to my after school teacher, Ms. Ti, because she always has a positive outlook on any situation, no matter how difficult it is. She inspires me to be more positive, mindful, and caring. She also encourages me to never give up on my dreams, because, through hard work, anything is possible. Honestly, I believe that if the world had more people like her, it would be a better place. "

India, 9th grade

"I look up to Melanie Martinez (singer) because of her background and her style. Her background is basically how the kids at my school are today. They put her down, talked about her looks, and told her she would never become a singer. Now she has proven them wrong by becoming a celebrity. All of her songs have a meaning I can relate to. I love her so much."

At Emmaus House, we recognize the many ways—both big and small—that extraordinary women have impacted our work, our mission, and our lives. We’re proud to see that our youth recognize it too.