The Emmaus House Chapel Resumes Its Legacy of Breaking Bread and Fulfilling Promises

We’re pleased to announce that the Emmaus House Chapel is once again open for in-person worship. Services are held weekly and open to all. Join us for Holy Eucharist on Sundays at 10:30 a.m., led by our new long-term supply priest, Rev. Alexis Chase.

For over 50 years, the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta has been an intimate partner of Emmaus House. Our name refers to a story in the Gospel of Luke, where, following his resurrection, Jesus appeared, unrecognized, and walked with two disciples on the road to the town of Emmaus. He explained to them the meaning of what had happened, but it wasn’t until he broke bread with them later that evening that Jesus finally revealed himself.

Emmaus House’s founder, The Very Reverend Canon Austin Ford, believed that any work, charity, or activism had to begin at the Holy Table, the table of the Eucharist. It’s in that spirit that we invite you to celebrate at the Emmaus House Chapel. God’s Holy Table is open to everyone, regardless of race, background, and socioeconomic standing.

To learn more about the Emmaus House Chapel, please visit: