Volunteer Spotlight: Harris Allen

This month we’re lifting up our new volunteer driver, Harris Allen. Harris helps pick up and drop off donations for the Emmaus House Food Pantry. 

Harris first learned of Emmaus House from the Cathedral of St. Phillips in Atlanta, where he sings in the choir. When he learned about Emmaus House he immediately donated to help support its mission. After attending a recent introduction through the church, Harris volunteered to help with the food pantry. His father actually helped establish the Atlanta Community Food Bank, and Harris has previously volunteered for Open Food Pantry in Brighton, MA. 

Harris holds a PhD and once worked with employers to provide healthcare solutions at scale. Now retired, he enjoys volunteering and singing in his church choir. Recently, he helped plan his 50th high school class reunion with his wife and former high school classmate, Gail. 

When asked why he chose to work with Emmaus House, he said repeatedly that we’re “his kind of people.” Harris is our kind of people too. When we work together to lift one another up we honor our relationships, and that’s what community is all about. We could not do the work that we do without volunteers like Harris.

To learn more about volunteer opportunities at Emmaus House, please visit: emmaushouse.org/volunteer