Black History Celebrates the Past, Present, and Future

February is Black History Month, so in the coming weeks we can expect to see a number of posts and articles describing Black luminaries and their profound contributions to society. This is important, and we should all take time to honor these exceptional individuals and their accomplishments. 

However, Black history is about more than recognizing extraordinary individuals. Black history is also—in fact, primarily—the story of community: of families, neighbors, and allies supporting and inspiring one another despite seemingly insurmountable odds. It’s a story that continues today.

So as we take this time to learn about the many Black individuals who have shaped the culture and opportunities we enjoy today, let us remember that these individuals are not exceptions to Black history but a part of it. They each drew strength and inspiration from the communities of which they were a part, and while many of these individuals are no longer with us, the source of their inspiration has only grown as a result of their achievements. 

At Emmaus House, we believe that Black history is not just about recognizing the past but connecting us to the present, to our many friends, neighbors, and allies. We don’t know what the future holds, but we know that community has the power to shape it. Happy Black History Month.