Exploring Opportunity From the Inside-Out

Emmaus House invests in activities that support economic self-sufficiency, that’s why we’ve partnered with the Atlanta Center for Self-Sufficiency (ACSS) to offer a ten-month paid fellowship supporting economic opportunity outcomes for young adults (age 18-24). 

ACSS provides workforce readiness, job placement, and life stabilization services to financially vulnerable men and women. They don’t just provide one-off assistance, they promote self-sufficiency by helping people prepare for and obtain full-time employment.

The Southside Works Fellow will engage with other young adults on the Southside to learn about existing community-based resources and evaluate their effectiveness. They will also inform and influence the way that workforce-related programs are developed and implemented in these communities.

In addition to research and advocacy, Southside Fellows will participate in various forms of professional development to build leadership and advocacy skills. To learn more about the Southside Works Fellowship and to apply, click the button below: